
“Our vision is to provide therapeutic play interventions in a range of contexts to support the development of healthy family relationships and improve the emotional well-being of children. Subject to funding we aim to make the service accessible to all who need it”.

This service is being delivered in the Canterbury District, for families living in the Canterbury District.

Any primary school aged child, living in the district, in need of support for their emotional well-being will be considered eligible and can be referred into our service. However, we will give priority to children who –

1. Are eligible to receive Free School Meals - as per government guidelines Apply for free school meals - GOV.UK (

2. Are being supported by Children’s Integrated Services

3. Do not have High Needs Funding or are entitled to support from Virtual Schools Kent* or Post Adoption Services

In addition to meeting the above criteria the suitability for any therapeutic intervention is assessed by the clinical professional carrying out the piece of work, in accordance with strict clinical and ethical guidelines. The therapist’s decision is final.

For those children who cannot be given priority for subsidised therapy (based on the criteria above), we do offer chargeable sessions at competitive rates.

If you would like to make a referral, please complete the form.

This service will work with individuals within a family setting that meet the above criteria; however, wider family needs should be addressed by more appropriate services, eg Early Help, Children’s Centres and Social Services etc.

*If the child is out of area please contact us to discuss eligibility.